Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dienazone vs Trenazone review (Transdermal Dienolone)

Iron Legion's New Dienazone is pretty much the same thing as Antaeus Labs Trenazone.

 There are a few differences that I would like to highlight....

 -First off in this new version they have added "fragrance" to the mix in an attempt to make it smell better than the old version that smelled a little bit like smelling rubbing alcohol and other solvents. Now the new version, Dienazone, smells like it really does have some type of scent added, but in my opinion it wasn't much of an improvement. My wife actually hates the smell and describes it as "campfire scent" or smells like I have been smoking cigarettes. I didn't notice it that much at first but as she pointed it out, I can tell what she means by kind of a campfire smell to it.

-Second, the hormone seems to crystallize a little easier than I remember Trenazone crystallizing.  According to my understanding, that when there are crystals or it is not fully in solution it cannot correctly go through or have the correct or designed permeability.  So for this to be effective still I just have to heat up the bottle before each use.  Usual method is to make sure bottle is sealed tight and let it sit for 30 minutes in a big cup of HOT water.  My method lately has actually been just taking the bottle in the shower with me and putting it under the water stream and shaking it every minute or two.    Both methods work great, but it just does need to be into solution for it to get through the skin correctly.      AND for the record I did have a different apartment the last time I used Trenazone and maybe the room temperatures is all that is different.   But either way before application one needs to make sure there are no crystals in the mix.

Effectiveness wise, I am not sure if this is still dosed at 75mg/ml as Trenazone was, but they did say that it was stronger.  If it is a little higher concentration this could also explain the crystallization.
I am halfway through my 3rd bottle of Dienazone for this cycle, and it is just as effective as I remember Trenazone being.  Just plain AWESOME!!   I used this in a mix of quite a few different compounds, but with Dienazone being the main compound at the end, and starting my cycle off with Triumphalis. Nearing the end of my about 8 week cycle I gained about 18 pounds (including some fat from too many calories) and have started cutting and lost 9lbs so far while cutting still on cycle.
Triumphalis I started at 3 caps per day, and went to six caps per day to finish off one bottle.
Dienazone I used 2 ml a day and will continue that out until I am finished with my third bottle.
Dienazone, bodybuilding, Trenazone, dienazone vs trenazone, prohormones, bodybuilding steroids, bodybuilding, transdermal hormones, dienolone

These are current Amazon Prices for the products talked about.   I'm surprised some people still have Trenazone Left, But considering it hasn't been made for a while I would depend on Dienazone being a nice fresh batch. 
****UPDATE**** Amazon does not seem to sell either Dienazone or Trenazone anymore, but here are some reccomendations. 


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